Six Ways to Out-Think the Future

Pre-paying the “Crisis Mode Cost”

To prepare for times of danger, uncertainty, or extraordinary opportunity, we must cultivate these six habits of mind in order to win the future (#WTF) by bridging the gap between Snow’s two cultures.

Mnemonic: CriSys MoDe CoSt

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THS-IPA Example: Gerbil Warming

During our last session, Agnis asked for a practical illustration of how to apply THS-IPA game theory to transformation. I wanted to do a toy example, but he was hoping for a real-world scenario. I decide to compromise by doing a toy version of a real-world problem…

The Whos who live in the land of Seuss have a problem. Their economy consists of making Seats and Shoes from the hair of the Gerbulous Gerbil. Recently, some Whos suspect the Gerbil has been losing its hair. The Lorax claims it is because the Gerbil is overheating from being too fat, and thus needs more Exercise. Horton the Elephant doesn’t think the hair loss is real; but if it is, then it must be due to stress, which means the Gerbil needs more Rest.

Their debate is complicated by the fact that the Lorax runs the company that makes running Shoes, while Horton founded the one making Seats…

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THS-IPA: A Game-Theoretic Model of Transformation

This is my first attempt to articulate a coherent theoretical model of transformation, based on my dialogues with Prof. Agnis Stibe on Transforming Human Systems.

The Instigator-Population-Agents (IPA) model describes the dynamics of how an Instigator spreads behavior across a particular Population of Agents. While most commonly used for leaders attempting to transform a group of people, the model should also be applicable to individuals (via the society of mind interpretation), social animals, and even some computational systems.

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Retrospective Roundtable: THE GREAT DECENTRALIZATION OF 2020

Making of a Revolutionary Ruckus

April 1st, 2040 AD

By Ernest Prabhakar and Colin Keeler


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